Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The good and the bad about marijuana

When I was not a weed user, I used to judge about it so many times just because of what people have told me when I was a Christian years and years ago. They brainwash you to believe the bad things. That's kind of how government works anyways. They make a big deal out of everything, so no wonder the residents of America are always complaining. And no, I'm no longer a Christian. Not because of weed, but because of the complications from it and how it could brainwash someone. I'm not posting this to dis about Christians. I have nothing against them, they can believe what they chose to believe. Anyways, when I knew some people who used to do weed, I would always tell them it's going to kill them. And again, I've heard these rumors about death from a lot of my Christian friends who has not done it. People who hasn't done it shouldn't judge so quickly. Although you can judge meth and any chemical substances. Marijuana is not a chemical substance, it's just a herbal plant that most people just smoke it with paper. Tobacco is also a plant, but I don't think some people know that the government abused tobacco. I really do hope they don't abuse marijuana because it could look really bad then. Tobacco is also a plant, but whoever created it has added chemicals to make it more addictive. So far, from what I know, marijuana is not addiction. People can stop whenever they want to. People forget there are stupid people living in America who causes the trouble of everything. If you're irresponsible with weed, then of course, you're going to be in a lot of troubles. Same with alcohol, if you drink and drive, you're going to get either accident or DUI or something worse than these two. I don't suggest people drive while high who are not experienced with weed. If you are experienced like Snoop Dogg, then driving while high should be safer. If you're not a weed user for over 4-6 years or longer, then don't even think about driving. Anyways, people who say marijuana kills you, really? Are you only going to look for articles that talks about only flaws? How would you like it if someone tried to find articles about you that only mentioned your flaws? I don't think you would like it one bit. And don't say you don't have any articles about your flaws, it's a WHAT IF question, what if there was. Everyone should be neutral about everything, if you can't balance it, then this world is full of shit for good. This is why people have war because they think of the flaws the most and that's the horrible thing to do. I don't believe guns, violence, drugs destroys peace. It's the irresponsibility from humans that destroys peace. If people just shut the fuck up and just smoke weed, they'll probably have a change of heart. I used to always talk shit about weed, but I'm done doing that. My stomach has been hurting ever since I was born, it's genetics, my dad's family is affected by it. I chose to vape marijuana than swallowing medication pills that doctors has given me. If you read this far, thank you. Anyways, so when I was in high school, I would have really bad anxiety, lose focus in school, have bad stomach problems, my eating habits would be bad. It's important to have a family, a mother and a father to support, but when both parents divorced, it's difficult to adjust that. I had to go visit therapist to help with my anxiety, but that didn't work out when my therapist decide to tell all my personal stuff to the school nurse, called the cops on my mom when she didn't do anything wrong. It's the school that was fucked up who wanted to get rid of me. I understand that the school wanted to get rid of me because I had too may absents, over almost a year. I know a school would not want that. No one tried to help me at school, not even a counselor. They only cared about themselves, if I really hated school, I would have dropped out, I was super senior twice. I am not proud of it because it's embarrassing, but I still tried my best. All these troubles, all these pains I had, it was horrible nightmare. No one will know how I felt, no one. It was hell. If I knew about weed before, I think my life would had changed drastically. I would be more open, it would had reduced my anxiety. I think I would had been the happiest people even though life was rough for me. My boyfriend was really worried about me because he saw me... I was in pain. I literally thought I was going to die, it felt like a cancer. All those fucking medical prescription that I took when I was in high school, that my therapist and doctors recommend me just opened new doors for other diseases. I NEVER GOT BETTER, it only got me worse. PLUS those damn anti-depressants were fucking pointless. They only gave me headache and it made me worse in high school. I started to create really bad dramas because of my moody problem from medication. I've tried 10 different pills that doctors has given me. None.. none worked. It only made it worse.. and because of that I had to drop out of high school. Medication pills ruined my life. I moved to Los Angeles after dropping out of high school (WORST THING I'VE DONE). I thought Los Angeles could help me, maybe I had to get away from everything... everywhere I went, it was just madness. And I literally thought I was going to kill someone because that's how fucked up with the pain I had. I really didn't care about life. I turned into a monster. This world is scary, full of monsters, ready to devour you. Always ready to devour you. No wonder these serial killers killed people because of the fucked people living in this world who caused it. Many times I wanted to commit suicide, I always had a knife in my hand, ready to kill myself. I would always cry that this pain was never going to end. But when they legalized marijuana, I started doing it. At first, it was hard for me because I hated the concept of smoke going inside my throat. I am against alcohol and smoking cigarette because those really fuck YOU up totally. I am not experienced with them, but people I lived with, people I saw really fucked them over. Hella fucking addicted, can't stop, can't stop yelling. Cigarette might calm a person down, but it damages your lung for sure, I am very sensitive to cigarette smell. I could die from second hand smoking. When I was in Korea back in 2011, too may Koreans smoke cigarette, it's quite disturbing, even high schoolers and middle schoolers too, oh also elementary students. And even outside of the airport, people would be smoking their asses off. I got a really bad fever because of it, my throat sounded like I smoked for a very long time. I lost my voice, not kidding. Oh my god, I lost my voice for almost a week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . and my aunt thought I was just sick that's all. She didn't believe I was sick from smelling cigarette. She forced me to eat all those prescribed medications from Korean doctors, there's so many I had to take in one shot, like 4-5 different pills (If you're a Korean and lived in Korea, you probably know what I'm talking about), it fucked me up so bad.. just got everything worse. I had to get out of there because my aunt also smoked too. So yeah when I vaped marijuana for the first time.. everything changed my life. I was saved. I cried so much because I never expected to have this kind of miracle. I apologized to my friends who was a marijuana user, I used to badmouth them so much. Although I don't understand with some people who does it for fun though. I will understand more if someone is doing it to avoid anger issues, sadness, depression, disease, disorder, cancers. I've noticed some people's comment on here saying that marijuana gives you cancer or it slows your brain. First of all, if you look at the article that NOT ONLY TALKS ABOUT FLAWS, but also the GOOD THINGS, you will read that marijuana kills tumors and cancer cells. It also helped people with breast cancer, so please check those before you talk shit to people who are marijuana users. Second, yes it does slow your brain, but that's just temporary. It could be bad to some people, but it's very very good for those who have ADHD. I have some ADHD because of the pills I took that the doctors gave me. It's weird how I would feel very restless when I took those pills. I think those pills I took when I was in high school is still in my system, if that's possible? Not even sure, but it did damage my lungs and liver more. If you guys haven't watched the movie called Food Matters, you really should. It could really change you about why all these years they made marijuana illegal. They don't talk about marijuana, but they talk about how fucked up people can get with money. They advertise McDonald, Burger King, all those junk foods so well that people are addicted to that. I'm not very good at explaining at movies I watched, so you should watch it. Doctors pay government to make believe things, they post it in media for people to believe. Believe is such a strong action, it makes a person very passionate that they can't be stopped unless somebody prove them harder. So my point is, if you have tried marijuana and you didn't end up liking it, then that's your choice. If you tried marijuana when you were sick, then you probably had a different opinion. You also have to remember when you've bought weed from sellers that doesn't work for the government or the FED, you probably got scammed. You probably didn't try the real marijuana, you either tried the synthetic or those fake marijuana that looks like marijuana or those marijuana that was sprayed with other drugs like meth, heroine, etc. Anyone who overdose on edible cannabis will have fucked up experience. I did too. It's just like eating food, don't overdose just because it taste good. Don't ever overdose unless you have the control for it. Just because it fucks you up doesn't mean it's bad. It doesn't kill you, but it could make you depressed. Even with food, you eat too much, you become bloated and it could be painful to some people. It's just like that. Honestly I didn't want to talk about my experiences it because it's my life and I like to make it private, but reading these people commenting saying marijuana didn't work on them or they had bad experiences or heard that it's not good for you should read my comment. And if my message doesn't change your thoughts, then you're just damn proud of what you believed in so far, good for you. If you don't have health problems like me, then you will never understand, but if you do have health problems and have tried it, then you must have done it wrong or only tried it once and decide to judge it. You need to judge it after at least a month or two of using it. It doesn't work right away to most people. Like me, it took me 2 months because even though my boyfriend taught me how to inhale it, I am very slow in general. I was born to be slow, well blood type O people are generally slow people to understand things, it runs in their blood. Anyways, to some people it might not work at all. I am just so happy and lucky to know marijuana really works on me. I certainly can't live without it, but I am not addicted. I would be very sad if marijuana changed to illegal just because too many stupid people or actors who decide to make marijuana look bad. You have to know that MONEY can change people's thoughts and also make them do bad things. SO AGAIN, don't read the bad facts only. How would you feel if your lover decide to leave you just because of your bad flaws ONLY and not think about any good flaws you have when you know YOU HAVE MORE GOOD FLAWS? Exactly. Think again before judging people who has tried marijuana and worked well on them. Thank you again if you read this. If you think my message was pointless, then that's up to you to decide that. 

And here are the facts of GOOD things about marijuana if you still have the PATIENCE to read it.

I had a help from my boyfriend to help me find this, this was directly from cancer.gov -- the national cancer institute, which is funded by the government, so they have no incentive to say nice things about weed like NORML and other pot advocates: 

"A large, retrospective cohort study of 64,855 men aged 15 to 49 years from the United States found that Cannabis use was not associated with tobbaco-related cancers and a number of other common malignancies. A population-based case-control study of 611 lung cancer patients revealed that chronic low Cannabis exposure was not associated with an increased risk of lung cancer or other upper aerodigestive tract cancers and found no positive associations with any cancer type (oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, lung, or esophagus) when adjusting, for several confounders, including cigarette smoking."

"A systematic review assessing 19 studies that evaluated premalignant or malignant lung lesions in persons 18 years or older who inhaled marijuana concluded that observational studies failed to demonstrate statistically significant associations between marijuana inhalation and lung cancer after adjusting to tobacco use."

"A comprehensive Health Canada monograph on marijuana concluded that while there are many cellular and molecular studies that provide strong evidence that inhaled marijuana is carcinogenic, the epidemiologic evidence of a link between marijuana use and cancer is still inconclusive."
That just means, there are carcinogenic chemicals in cannabis smoke; but they weren't able to conclude that smoking marijuana causes cancer. So the reason they couldn't prove that smoking weed can cause cancer is because CBD kills cancer cells, but they haven't studied that far because it's illegal to study that for some odd reason.

And for those who have never tried marijuana and doesn't like concept of smoking, do not start out with eating edible, please don't. Get used to vaping first for few months. Edible cannabis can be crazy if you eat too much of it. Here are the pros and cons of it from my own experience.

1. It helps me remember a memory from the past, sometimes good or bad that I forgot for a very long time. Mostly it's good memories.
2. It helps my stomach to stop having pain (If you're like me with stomach pain, I advise you to give it a try for few months. If you don't like it, you can stop taking it. It won't make any worse to you)
3. It helps you if you are feeling depressed, it makes you happy and think happy thoughts.
4. It helps any pain that you've been feeling like back pain, throat pain, etc. 
5. It helps relaxes you, calms you down. This is best for people who have serious anger issues.
6. It helps your vision to be more sharp and clear (LOVE THIS!), helps you sense the smell better, food that you love taste EVEN BETTER, you can hear things better. I feel like super woman because of this.
7. It makes you laugh a lot at the things that aren't that funny. This could be good or bad depends on the event you are, do not get high when you're at a funeral, everything could look funny to you and you would probably get scolded by your behavior, please be responsible! Laughing is good for your health, it really does!
8. If you're that person who thinks lingers in the bad past too much like me, weed will help you not over think about it.
9. If you have a business or a project that you're working on, weed expands your creativity. It makes you think something that you never thought about.
10. It helps you to be open and talk about lots of things, this helps if you are socially awkward person like me.
11. It slows my brain sometimes, it could be good or bad depends on the situation. It made me feel slow in a good way, I was too restless. I have OCD problem, I would constantly clean or constantly organizing, it will tear me apart, but with weed, it helps me balance.
12. There are times where I can't sleep because I think too much, I worry too much, the news scares me, people scares me. It's hard to fall asleep, I might wake up dead from a gunshot. I live in a ghetto area, so anything can happen. But marijuana helps me sleep like a baby. GREAT for those who have serious insomnia. It really helped my boyfriend. He doesn't have to take melatonin anymore. Melatonin is helpful too, but this depends on people, for him, it gives him really bad nightmares whenever he takes Melatonin but with weed, never.
13. If you have bad eating habits like you barely eat food because you lost appetite, this will save your life. Because of depression, I would eat less and not even think about food. People ask me if I'm hungry, I say I'm hungry but I don't eat it. I basically starve myself to death because of my depression, but when I vape weed, I feel like I really need to eat. It helps me to love food.
14. It could make you feel energetic if you take SATIVA weed. To some people, SATIVA does not work, it just gives them throat problems (not sure the reason why yet) INDICA makes you feel relaxed and when the effect disappears, makes you feel really tired.
15. SEX feels TEN TIMES better. 
16. If you feel pain down there like me because you lost interest in sex, then weed could really spice this up 
17. This could really help people with morning sickness. HELPS BIG TIME. It helped me so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Morning sickness doesn't always have to be from pregnancy but also food poisoning.
18. If you have serious diarrhea problems like me, this could help you a lot. You know how you get cramps because of diarrhea? Yeah, that will reduce the cramps a lottttttt. Don't be afraid to eat a plant to save you. YOUR BODY NEEDS HELP. Don't try to deal through pain just because you think it's the right thing to do. Very stupid, don't do that. You might be okay with it, but to others are worried about you and concerned. Don't do that, thanks  

1. It could make you lazy, but everyone knows even without it, everyone is naturally lazy when they just want to relax. I think lazy is a bad way to say it, I think "relaxing" sounds better. It will make you relax, stops making you feel stress or restless. To some people, relaxing could be a bad thing because they need to work or do house chores. For example, you're supposed to be cleaning or doing homework, but you think you feel like you can just relax, take it slow and this could come out as lazy behavior and people will think you are just slacking when you're really not. 
2. It could make you feel sad or paranoid when you're high feeling is wearing off. If you're wondering why you feel that is because you naturally felt sad or paranoid before taking marijuana. It's just making you feel what you felt before, it's not because of marijuana. I'm adding this on cons because some people probably think it makes you feel paranoid. It doesn't. You're just so used to feeling happy temporary that when it goes away, now you're on your own. Marijuana is like a friend, to help you feel happy and good inside. But your own body is your own self, if you have no self-control, you would feel sad, but this doesn't apply to everyone. Some people just come out happy even the high feeling is wearing off. It really depends on people's lifestyle.
3. It makes you feel light-hearted, this could happen if you didn't sleep enough or hydrate your body enough. Don't blame marijuana for sudden light-hearted. 
4. It dries your mouth and makes your eyes red. This doesn't always happen, it happens sometimes depends on how much water you drank that day. Some people carry eye drop and the redness will go away right away. When your mouth feels dry, it doesn't mean you're going to die of dehydration. Your body is just asking for water like it always has been. The marijuana is just favoring your body to remind you to drink water.
5. It could give you munchies. This could be a bad thing for those who wants to lose weight. But you need to also be responsible with what you eat in general even with or without weed. Just because you have munchies, doesn't mean you should force to eat something. To some people, they have to eat something because their stomach wants something to eat, in that case, eat something healthy then. Don't blame junk foods after eating it because of munchies. It's your responsibility on what you eat. Don't eat whatever you see. 
6. It tires you out when your high feeling wears off, sometimes this could be a good or bad thing depends on your situation. If you're going to sleep, this is perfect, but when you're not ready to sleep, it's not great. BUT it's not because of WEED that makes you feel tired, It's just your original body that was already tired before is coming back at you. 
7. Body could feel itchy, it's only because your blood is rushing, it's temporary. But if it last longer, it just means you have dry skin and you just need to drink water or apply body moisturizing lotion.
8. This could only apply to those who can imagine things in person like they can imagine a truck inside their room. This, I realized, only happens to most blood type O people I know. INCLUDING ME. I would hallucinate that there is something here. Sometimes ghost, sometimes I feel like I'm in the airplane or a boat just by the sound of what I hear or smell. Please don't be scared, it's because blood type O are natural thinkers and daydreamers. 24/7, so sometimes they could hallucinate and I promise you, you can control your own imagination just by repeatedly telling yourself it's just imagination. This #8 could scare blood type O people, but please don't be scared. It can be fun actually XD
9. It could make you want to try other drugs, come on don't be stupid now. Everyone knows meth, heroine, cocaine are all chemical abuse. Have you seen pictures and videos? If you didn't, you should  meth turns people crazy like as i they got possessed by a demon. It really fucks up your face and your body. People always say this is a gateway drug, oh please. You mean a gateway drug for stupid people is more like it. People who chose to be stupid for attention or just desperate.

I will also share you which last longer to be high.
1. Vaping weed (It could take up to 1-2 hours to feel high)
2. Eating cannabis chocolate (It could take up to 3-4 hours)
3. Eating cannabis candy (It could take up to 2 hours)
4. Smoking weed (NOT SURE, Haven't experienced smoking)
5. Using bong with weed (Never tried)
6. Dapping (Never tried)
7. Using the weed smoke pen (Lasted me 2 hours)

IF you guys read all this, thank you so much. I took almost 2 hours to type this down. This is very important to me. I only become passionate with stuff that could help people like it helped me. Like I'm very passionate about blood type personality+health and marijuana. Thank you again for reading! If you have any questions, please let me know  I have not vaped/eat this for a year. It's not been a year yet. I will continue spread people about what saved me. I might just copy and paste this, save it to my blog so I can mention it if someone ever brings about this. 

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