Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hope-to-work advice for people who are depressed.

1. Cook something that catches your attention. Sometimes learning new recipe helps. It's okay if you're a beginner, it doesn't hurt if you fail a little. Anything first starters can win or fail, but it doesn't make you any lesser if you do fail.
2. Exercise your body, nothing heavy weight, but something lightweight. Listen to soft music like Enya or Ryan Farish.
3. Dance all your sadness away. Sometimes freestyle dancing just helps add some energy into your soul. Be weird, be funky, have some fun, make new moves for yourself. It can be funny or cool! Funnier dances are always the blast! If you're a beginner, start with the fingers, then the toes. Then slowly make your leg dance, then your arm, then your neck.
4. Tell yourself that you can make things possible for yourself. Keep repeating it. It may be hard, but if you keep practicing, you will eventually pull through. Practicing is always a challenge for everyone, not just you. Patience is also a challenge. Challenge yourself to practice more and have patience.
5. Look less in the mirror, sometimes self-esteem is one of the reason that causes depression. But if you do need the mirror, smile and laugh to yourself. Laugh a little. Smile a little, then you can go back to your own little world of sadness. Some think it's pointless to smile because they're afraid of wrinkles or it makes them look stupid. It's really not. Once you practice smiling to yourself, smile at others, it will make them feel good. If someone looks at you awkward, just think that at least the person saw you! It could make a difference, who knows?
6. Eat good nutritious foods. You might think junk foods can make you feel happy, but that's just temporary. Physically, it wants good nutritious foods to make them feel more energetic. And besides junk foods only leaves you with the bad fat, you don't want that disgusting fatness stuck inside you forever?! Bad fat should always be your enemy. It's also the reason to make you feel sad too. Energy is your best friend!
7. Try watch funny videos on Youtube. Or Youtube prank. If it doesn't work, well, at least you tried to entertain yourself. At least you tried!
8. Hug a doll, but if you're a man, hug a pillow. Cry if you need to. Every once in awhile, people need a moment of hug. It could make you feel alive. Don't think it's stupid to do this. You're not hugging someone imaginary, don't worry. Hugging is healthy anyways. Just don't go around hugging random strangers or people's kids because you know hugging kids could make you look a pedobear (yikes!)
Depression is a monster that stays hiding behind walls, ready to come out whenever it wants to. It crawls down your spine and sucks up your energy. Depression wants to make you its best friend, so it will send signals to make you think you could be do the right thing by being sad and emotional, but really, you're better than that. You're still human with a brain. Your mind is not dead, you can still control it. Depression might come back to you, but when it does, get ready for your shield and sword (or maybe katana!) and just prepare for the worst. Do not be hopeful, but put to action. Sometimes hopeful can create sadness in the end. Hoping is like imagining and sometimes just imagining will not take you to places while making actions takes you there. People with depression refuses to say yes to decisions and that's okay. Everyone will have its negativity in them that will lurk beside them and that's okay too. We're all humans anyways. If you have read all this, it just means you're ready for yourself, you are ready to feel accomplished. Don't forget, you're not the only one.

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